What is Empty Bowls?
There are Empty Bowls in our Community
This FISH Empty Bowls Event will take place on April 30, 2020 at Shepherd of the Lake Church in Prior Lake. It will be a free will offering and attendees will receive a beautifully handcrafted bowl made by local students of SCOTT COUNTY. There will be a meal consisting of soup or chili, bread, refreshments, and dessert.
Attendees will enjoy a relaxed dining experience and the music of local bands, choirs and musicians.
Empty Bowls is an internationally recognized event that raises awareness of hunger and hunger-related issues. Participants keep their handcrafted bowl as a reminder of the millions of bowls that remain empty each day around the world. Locally, funds raised from the event support FISH, (Families and Individuals Sharing Hope). Our FISH Partner Network works together to connect needs, tackle issues, and build our capacity to assist those in crisis. When an organization doesn’t have immediate access to the necessary resources to help someone who is in need, the FISH Partner Network is their answer. Through our FISH Partner Network our partners have another tool to help them in fulfilling their own organizational mission.
We use the Empty Bowls donations to help our neighbors in need. The FISH PARTNER NETWORK encounter needs that they themselves cannot fill alone. There are no fees or costs to our partner organizations to post their needs.