“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great,
because greatness is determined by service.” — Martin Luther King Jr.
Service Partners
Why does a service organization or nonprofit partner with FISH?
FISH has service partners with both registered nonprofits (like Salvation Army, CAP, and Passageways) and service organizations (such as Lions, Rotaries, Chambers and veterans’ organizations) to give them the opportunity to achieve their missions.
- Helping people in transition
When organizations are faced with a member’s need that they do not have the means or resources necessary to meet, they can turn to the FISH partner network to post the need on behalf of the individual or family they are working with. - Serving others
Sometimes a FISH service partner posts a specific need that aligns directly with the mission of the nonprofit or service organization. In those cases, the partner may elect to meet the needs of other partners with their designated resources. - Promote your mission and services
FISH offers both web-based and actual meetings to support the existing services and programs that partners offer for personal development, enrichment, and community-building. As a FISH service partner, you can post an event on the FISH calendar to immediately reach a captive audience.